Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spasms, Twitching & Soreness

As I start developing more and more muscles they decide that they want to move around as they please. Sometimes it’s cool to see them moving around. Other times it is the worst pain ever. It literally is when your muscles tense up like a ball and just SQUEEEEEEEZE. It is SO painful. I remember one night it woke me up out of my sleep when BOTH my calves were spasm-ing and I literally was screaming “FUCK ME”. The pain goes away after it’s done doing it’s thing. 
I also recently have been experienced more and more feeling in my back with my muscles moving around. Actually right now the left side of my lower back is spasm-ing a little bit but not painfully, it also feels like it is on fire, this is such a weird feeling.
Twitching is HILARIOUS. I remember the first couple times sleeping over at Dom’s house and how he would ALWAYS twitch before falling asleep. His twitches are vigorous; I've damn near been knocked out by his arm in the middle of the night from his twitching. His response? “Sorry, it’s because I have muscles” He also told me that the more muscular I get, that I’ll be twitching a lot more as well. Well, that has begun. I’ll never forget one night he said “You’re twitching, you’re twitching” and it was weird because ONE I was asleep and TWO I couldn't even feel my body doing it. So I’m half asleep getting woken up by him telling me I’m twitching and I was PISSED. I was really upset actually it’s quite hilarious looking back. I responded “NO I’M NOT TWITCHING YOU’RE LYING” We both laughed about it in the morning because my tone of voice was really pissy.
Ahh to be sore every single day of the week. It sucks but that’s part of the process. I lift six times a week and I’m hitting every muscle group roughly twice a week. I lift three times with my coach and she sends me the other workouts to do. Of course, it is up to me to decide whether or not do to these workouts. My coach isn't going to hold my hand the whole way and make sure that I complete my own training days. I love to lift, so I complete the workouts and plus, that's what champions do. There isn't a day of the week that a muscle group isn't sore. Glutamine is supposed to help with the soreness and it does work most of the time. I’m not EXTREMELY sore EVERY day, but there are days that I have where my lifting was heavy and intense and the next day, I’m in pain. But, you can’t grow if you don’t go through some pain every now and then. Dom also helps tremendously by stretching me out every week. This is also no fun and is very painful but “hurts so good”. 

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