Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Social Life--or lack thereof

Social life during cutting season. Hah. Forget about it. First of all society is really all about going out to EAT. Think about it, you're with your friends, bored, what do you think of "where should we eat today/tonight?" Well you as a competitor, can't do this. Sure, try going out with your friends and watch them eat copious amounts of delicious food that you haven't been able to touch in weeks. See how that makes you feel. It won't make you feel good, and it's not worth it. Why put your brain through that? Sure it can make you stronger and teach you how to discipline yourself but at the end of the day, it can wait. Go to the mall to go shopping? Yeah I bet that sounds fun right before you start smelling the food court and seeing other restaurants. Plus, you need money for supplements and you could probably use some more socks or gym clothes. In my eyes it's not worth it to put yourself through more pain than you are already enduring. It's bad enough watching TV with my boyfriend and seeing fast food commercials and just drooling at the TV while your ass is sitting there enjoying the shit out of some chicken and broccoli. Movies are cool too, if you don't like popcorn, candy or soda. Personally, I don't mind going to the movies. In fact, myself and Dom see a movie almost every weekend. I'm not really a popcorn or soda type of person. Sweets and desserts are what get me. Dom is OBSESSED with popcorn. He absolutely loves it. Most times when we see movies we have to schedule it around our eating time. If the movie happens to fall during a scheduled eating time we have it packed. We basically live out of tupperware if we want to go anywhere outside the house for more than a couple hours. 
My typical day is: eating every 3 hours, studying for school, working out, doing cardio, meal prepping if necessary, and I'm loving every minute of it. There simply is not even time to go out because by your last meal you are TIRED and ready for BED and getting your sleep is JUST AS important if not more. This prep is really time consuming but it's fun being so busy, in later blogs I will discuss the days where everything seems to be falling apart. Those blogs will be the tough ones. But for now, I'm feeling good, everything is going as planned and I'm on track.

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