Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How I stay "full"

Alright so if you've seen my previous blogs then you have seen how my diet is. Very small portions, enough to fully function. What I'm doing is by no means unhealthy. I am completely healthy, I'm just getting my carbs through different sources and not from the delicious type of stuff (;
Anyway, my body has gotten used to my portion intake HOWEVER, of course sometimes I get hungry in between meals and there are many tricks that I use to keep my belly satisfied before my next meal.
Cucumbers, just straight up eat a cucumber, not necessary to cut it or do anything fancy with it. The looks I get from people are quite hilarious. Someone could be walking around eating a corn dog and no one would look twice about it. But, you walk around with a giant cucumber in your mouth, the stares will follow. For me personally I don't even care. I'm hungry so I'm going to eat a damn cucumber whenever I want. Cucumbers are great too because the skin makes you burp. Oh, I like to burp by the way. Hah.
Now I'll only do the whole eating the cucumber while walking to class when I'm in a hurry. Other days when I'm home and in my kitchen I make salads with almost every meal. My salads consist of GARLIC (obsession), lettuce, cucumbers, dill relish (for now), mustard (for now), balsamic (for now) mushrooms and onions. Now I don't throw all those items together. Mustard and balsamic doesn't sound too appetizing to me. But mustard doesn't have any calories, it's just salt. All I know is that after the show I don't want to see anything GREEN. Hah. I'm joking. I love my greens. But really the "fillers" help.
Another thing I love to do is use lemons and limes with my salads, and sometimes cilantro.

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