Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Meal Prep

In order for my diet to run smoothly during the week I have to cook my main meats which right now is chicken, ground turkey & ground beef. I'm lucky in this category because my portions are a lot smaller than Dom's. I almost feel bad for him, he eats a lot more than i do and when he preps his food, it lasts him only a couple days whereas my prep will last me the whole week.
It's quite simple when it comes to meal prep. We do it together. Okay, I don't cook, I'm not allowed in the kitchen so I basically just watch and observe Dom cook my food. All you have to do is designate a day where you have a couple hours to kill, Sundays are usually the days that we meal prep together.
How we do the prep is we go to Sams club, basically a Costco and purchase our meats for the week. Pick out our marinades and start cooking. This takes a lot of time management but in the end it is so worth it so that during the week you can easily weigh out your meats and reheat your meals and you're all set. 
Without Dom preparing my food with me I really think that I would be struggling, he really makes everything taste so much better and I couldn't thank him enough every day for his help and support during my first show prep.
During prep you definitely cannot go out to eat under any circumstances. We have to eat what is on our diet specifically & nothing else, no excuses. We have to have our meats prepared a certain way and eventually my meats will be cooked salt free. This is something I'm not looking forward to. Salt makes everything a lot tastier. But, this is the road I wanted to take and these are some of the sacrifices as competitors that we make to be able to look our best on that stage for that two minutes.

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