Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Last days leading up to the show

The last couple days that led up to the show were definitely the hardest to get through. These were the days where my body was weak, my mind was slow and I was out of my element. There were so many mixed emotions and feelings leading up to the show that it made me second guess myself. I can honestly say that I was not myself at all the last three days before the show and now that I'm looking back I think that that's why I was so freaked out and scared. I was scared that I was changing into something that I did not want to be. I realize now that that is not the case at all. I was depleted and my body and mind were not working together as one and I started to lose myself in the process. I basically was a zombie until I got to go on stage and compete. The last few days before the show is when the competitors pull our water weight. So basically we don't take in any water, I'm not sure if this is what messed up my mind and turned me into a zombie but I'm pretty sure that it is. When I was backstage Friday night I was psyching myself out and making myself more nervous than I ever should have been. But, like I've said before I think it is one of my coping mechanisms in how I deal with stress. I'm not sure why I make myself feel MORE stressed to cope but whatever works, works. After being filled with water and a bunch of sugars and carbs I feel a lot more normal and back to my usual positive upbeat self. It is amazing how food affects your brain, mood and just everything. 

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